Today we found out how many seeds each of our pumpkins had, and everyone who wanted some got to take home 80 seeds. When you rinse them, make sure that they don't sit in the water, otherwise they will get rotten. Some of the seeds already look like they are starting to mould, so please be careful before eating them. There were lots of different costumes from ghosts, to Pikachus, to Yo-Kais. This is our last week of intramurals for a while. Happy Halloween
Today we started looking at the three different levels of government: Municipal, Provincial, and Federal, and their different responsibilities. In gym we played a game called trick or treat and it was awesome. Math was tough, as we're trying to figure out how to scale our model of Calgary. Tomorrow is Halloween, so please wear a costume. DO NOT WEAR A MASK OR BRING A WEAPON as those will be confiscated.
Today we worked on our scale model of Calgary. We discovered that some of the studs in our frame are too long, so the frame isn't quite square. Some students spent time carving out pumpkins, based on the designs that the class voted on yesterday. Today was our second day of Spartan Training, and it wasn't as focussed as it could have been. Next time, we will be more focussed. Have a great weekend!
Reminders: Please bring in your Repsol forms if you have not done so yet A new form went home tonight about a survey that our class is taking part in. If your child is in grade 5, please sign and return the form package in the envelope your child brought home today as soon as possible. Today we had intramurals at lunch. We started the physical building of our foodweb, and tomorrow we have a substitute.
Today we played capture the flag in gym. It was picture day. Please return your forms for Repsol ASAP.
Also, Finley says that Mr. Stanley is the best teacher ever. Today we worked on some math to help us identify how far apart the studs had to be for our model of Calgary. This led us to work on some fractions and long-division.
We worked on animal research for our class foodwebs. We talked about the municipal election and made bar and double bar graphs to show the results of Student Vote. Student Vote correctly predicted the result of the mayoral election!
Today we had an assembly about the needs of our seed that is trying to grow on a rock at the front of our school. During PE, Mr. Vanderlinden showed us the Spartan Race which we are going to replicate in our gym.
Today was also student vote. We actually got to vote on real candidates that are in the municipal election. Student vote is usually a good predictor of who will win the actual election, but Mr. Stanley cannot release the results of the student vote until after the actual election has finished. Apologies for the lack of blog posts so far this week - our days have been jam-packed and we've been finding ourselves using every available minute this week.
Today we discussed "Student Vote" which will take place in our school tomorrow. This is a chance for the boys to share who they think the best candidates are for Mayor, Ward 8 Councillor, and Ward 8/9 CBE Trustee. Every boy in Grade 5 and 6 will cast a vote tomorrow in our very own polling station. Mr. Stanley, Mr. Baustad, Mr. Vanderlinden, and most importantly, the amazing Leith, all shaved their heads in support of cancer research. We raised $1375 for the Terry Fox Foundation. We now think that Mr. Stanley looks like a student/criminal.
There is no school on Monday. Have an excellent Thanksgiving! |
AuthorWe're the Grade 5/6 Class at ABP! Archives
April 2018
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